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Aura Network: Brewing the Next Cycle of the NFT Boom

NFTS make our digital lives more virtual and allow us to accomplish everything in the virtual world that we can’t do in real life. The next-generation public Aura Network incorporates digital experiences to enable a rich, real-time, globally connected virtual environment that provides a new underlying environment for users to work, play, collaborate, and socialize in a whole new way. The market currently needs a decentralized underlying infrastructure that can meet the needs of complex NFT applications, and Aura Network is designed as a creative platform. NFT applications require trusted asset values, untrusted authentication, reproduction and digital upgrading of behaviors and scenes from the real to the virtual world.

A high-performance blockchain

In the future, Aura Network will have its own economy. Users can create, buy and sell goods here. Digital universe residents in the Aura Network will have their money accounts in encrypted form, as well as a digital marketplace for clothing and headshot accessories. Since NFTS are able to prove digital ownership, users will have complete control over their NFT assets. NFTS will also help enhance social experiences and digital communities by using blockchain invariance. To enable NFTS to be accessed and used by people around the world, Aura Network has built a public blockchain platform that is not only cheaper but also faster for users and developers with high performance and scalable enough to build real-world applications and host their large-scale implementation. As a decentralized, interoperable blockchain, Aura Network provides a better user experience and will be well suited for building NFTS and Web3.0. Traditional blockchains such as Ethereum and BSC are inefficient and can only support digital asset upload, while the complete decentralization of computationally intensive NFT applications themselves makes them impossible to implement on traditional blockchains. The Aura Network was built to address this difficulty. Aura Network’s vision is to build a new blockchain platform that enables fully decentralized, high performance for large applications, allowing developers to quickly develop fully decentralized applications that are comparable to their familiar centralized applications without additional learning. Without considering the constraints of traditional blockchain on the performance of decentralized applications, large-scale decentralized applications become eternal to achieve large-scale adoption.

The source of NFT At present, Aura Network’s blockchain infrastructure has become an important part of the underlying structure of NFT, which has accumulated a strong power in the application process of NFT, supporting the efficient and safe operation of the economic system under the NFT ecology. Therefore, we try to tease out the five characteristics of NFT landing with Aura Network blockchain technology:

  1. Decentralize The core characteristic of NFT applications is decentralization. As an NFT platform, it needs to make use of these decentralized underlying technologies to ensure the security of the platform, rather than becoming a tool controlled by a few people, which is crucial for the development of NFT. Only such a premise can complete the smooth circulation of various assets in the NFT. Aura Network is an infrastructure-level open blockchain platform built specifically for NFTS and the decentralized digital world. It aims to provide a highly adaptive and highly liberalized development environment for the NFT ecosystem to help lower barriers to entry for NFT participants from around the world. At the same time, Aura Network’s XR advantage makes it closer to the ideal NFT experience.

  2. Smart contracts As the most important and basic function of blockchain, smart contracts can be said to have covered almost all blockchain applications we use, whether NFT, Defi, Dapp or GameFi, all rely on smart contracts to run effectively. For developers, Aura Network supports seamless migration of EVM and Solidity contracts, as well as ERC20 / NFT/DEFI cross-chain migration and asset exchange. It is also compatible with mainstream blockchain wallets such as MetaMask, Qredo, XDEFI and is fully synchronized with the current mainstream and components, but the difference is that developers can get better performance support and MetaUniverse application development environment on Aura Network.

  3. Cloud computing As an important back-end infrastructure to implement NFT, the implementation of NFT must be accompanied by huge data processing requirements, image rendering requirements and high fidelity user experience. These calculations can provide different results in different environments and scenarios. This capability has been an integral part of the Aura Network’s evolution. Aura Network provides a distributed peer-to-peer content distribution platform based on IPFS, supports NFT-CRC20 copyright distribution, and supports a smart contract-based creative mining and advertising revenue sharing system.

  4. Private data Privacy data protection has always been one of the most worrisome issues in the real world, and it is getting more and more attention. As an important extension of the field of cryptography, blockchain is expected to bring more possibilities. The need for privacy in NFTS seems even more important. The Aura Network public chain will be matched with a wide range of NFT+ application fields, including digital assets and cultural industries, real industries, insurance, energy and other industries, aiming to promote the positive development of the global blockchain industry. Aura Network revolutionizes the use of multilevel distributed MetaverseGraph structures, with unlimited scalability and massively parallel processing capabilities beyond ordinary blockchain list data structures. It’s coordinated with BigBang all hardware programmable accelerated blockchain consensus system, StarRing parallel execution engine of transactions, and infinity expansion of Nebulae’s block database. Aura Network can withstand high concurrency and task processing requirements in complex environments.

The important participant of virtual economy

Aura Network will serve as an important player in developing the digital economy, representing a trillion-dollar market. The Aura Network blockchain provides many benefits to NFTS, such as security, trust, transparency, and decentralization. Smart contracts are another feature that can effectively regulate the economic and social relationships between participants in an NFT. It also overcomes the drawbacks of NFTS ‘centralized data storage and minimizes the risks that exist in a centralized ecosystem, such as hackers, malware, and few control decision rights. Currently Aura Network’s technology can be applied to build and operate NFTS in a variety of ways, including in-game assets, virtual currency, self-identification, NFTS, real estate, and more. Aura Network also provides: 1) distributed secure clearing layer, value delivery mechanism and identity protocol; 2) Content interaction functions that meet user needs; 3) Strong network and computing capabilities to ensure information transmission and processing capabilities; 4) Compatibility and adaptability with more powerful terminal display devices (including somatosensory, AR/VR and UHD displays). Key technologies such as NFT ascending, identity management, storage, traceability, tamper-proof, digital assets, VR/AR virtual reality technology and hardware are all indispensable parts of NFT. In the current decentralized market, most of the underlying public chains serving the NFT concept can satisfy the first requirement. However, the ability to control the second, third and fourth points is relatively weak. The NFT market still needs an underlying infrastructure that meets all of the above requirements simultaneously. Aura Network provides creation tools that support 3D game materials/models as well as associated NFT casting, trading and splitting tools. At the same time, there is an open source software and hardware platform, including display terminals, computing centers, operating systems and interfaces. With the full XR algorithm package, it seamlessly connects to mainstream productivity tools like the Unity 3D AR engine, giving developers the freedom to innovate NFT applications. Aura Network is working to balance the underlying infrastructure and NFT application service layers, integrating technologies, tools, basic functions and facilities downward, and integrating multiple core business scenarios and existing NFT applications upward. The core of the project is to provide the ultimate seamless and user-friendly creative experience for developers, as well as complete and unparalleled NFT application services for users.