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How to Subscribe to My Web3 Airdrop Calendar

Staying updated with the latest airdrop events is crucial for every crypto enthusiast. Our Airdrop Calendar is designed to help you keep track of these events seamlessly. Please star this repository to get more guidlines on how to get this airdrops: https://github.com/fatratkiller/web3-airdrop-calendar-generator

Here’s how you can generate the ICS file for the calendar, use it with Google Calendar(or other Calendar), and subscribe to it on your Apple device.

Generating the ICS File

Use the provided Python script to generate the ICS file. This script compiles all scheduled airdrop events into a single calendar file. Please run this file in your terminal.

Ensure the ics library is installed in your environment. If it’s missing, you can install it by running pip install ics.

Run the script, which will generate a file named Airdrop_Calendar.ics in your local filesystem.

Using the ICS File with Google Calendar

Open Google Calendar.

Look for the “Other calendars” section on the left side, click the “+” button, and then select “Import”.

Choose the Airdrop_Calendar.ics file you’ve just generated and upload it.

The imported events should now be visible in your Google Calendar.

Generating a Subscription Link for Apple Devices To use the ICS file on Apple devices, you need a publicly accessible URL to subscribe to the calendar instead of importing it directly. You can achieve this by: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fatratkiller/web3-airdrop-calendar-generator/main/Airdrop_Calendar.ics

Open the “Settings” app.

Scroll down and select “Calendar” > “Accounts” > “Add Account” > “Other” > “Add Subscribed Calendar”.

Enter the public URL of your ICS file in the “Server” field and tap “Next”.

Adjust any additional settings as needed and select “Save”.

Subscribing to the Calendar For Google Calendar Users: Open Google Calendar in your web browser. On the left side, find the “Other calendars” section and click on the “+” sign next to it. Select “From URL” from the dropdown menu. Paste the calendar link into the URL field and click “Add Calendar.” The Airdrop Calendar will now appear in your “Other Calendars” section, and you’ll be automatically updated with new events.

For Apple Calendar Users: Open the Calendar app on your Apple device. Go to “File” > “New Calendar Subscription.” Enter the calendar link into the URL field and click “Subscribe.” Choose your preferred settings for how often the calendar updates and click “OK.” The Airdrop Calendar will now be added to your list of calendars.

For Outlook Users: Open Outlook and go to the calendar view. Right-click on “My Calendars” and choose “Add Calendar” > “From Internet.” Paste the calendar link into the field and click “OK.” Confirm your subscription by clicking “Yes.”

Enjoy Your Subscription Congratulations! You’ve successfully subscribed to our Airdrop Calendar. Now, you’ll receive automatic updates whenever new airdrop events are added. We aim to keep our community well-informed and ahead of the curve, and we hope this calendar serves as a valuable resource for you.

Troubleshooting If you encounter any issues while subscribing, ensure that the link is correctly copied and pasted. Additionally, consider checking your internet connection or trying a different calendar application if the problem persists.

WElcome follow my twitter to ask any further questions https://twitter.com/FatRatKiller